Friday, October 07, 2011

October 7-9, 2011 #occupydc

The first day and first weekend there. While it started on the 1st I was unable to get there so had been following the tweets. While obviously basic at the time, by they had some clear directions. While the end result of this will be wonderful, the process just in getting there is amazing!

Kate Bornstein tweeted that she just got home to NYC and wanted suggestions of what to do. Of course, I immediately replied "occupy wall street". She did and had a blast.

While holding signs for the traffic occasionally some of them will yell at you, but they are hilarious when they try. The top 2 were 'get a job!' (actually, I have one, but thanks for the advice) and 'hippies!' (I take being compared to people I look up to, most who were hippies in their youth, as a compliment for some odd reason, so thanks again). This is a symptom of why the occupy movement will not be gotten rid of, people and governments think they know how to 'deal with' protests and this one completely breaks all of their ideas on how to do so.

The usual, signs.
SIgn Pile

A reporter.

The food table grew up from things on a bench just since Friday!
the food bench grows a table

The information table, the library is on the ground.
info table/library

What? There is a daily meeting to decide things here by consensus?
General Assembly - 10/8/11 #3

Well, I guess I will make a sign too.
my sign - 10/8/11

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